Bounty Hunter Weekend Seminars have always been on the internet. Having observed and attended a few they typically include a lot of hype, waving cash around like this is a quick way to get rich, swat gear and lots of video and tough guy stories. The time left over is usually the basics, similar to the information already available in the many books on the subject.
Often advertised as an “employment opportunity coming to a town near you” on craigslist, myspace, just about anywhere it's free to advertise jobs/employment opportunities on the internet.
We have never observed anyone become successful as a result of this type of training. In fact we have searched the internet and find nobody in this business whom obtained work and made a career after two whole days of training let alone is holding a "fist full of dollars".
For Washington State Bail Recovery Agent license applicants, investing in training that does not even meet Washington State minimal requirements can be a big mistake. Washington State DOL refuses to accept such training for WA Bail Recovery Agent licensing when submitted, period.
Washington State Requirements
Washington residents are required to be licensed, a process consisting of a criminal background check, training, and a written examination on Washington State laws.
In reviewing the DOL website information regarding these training requirements one does not learn of RCW 18.185.260 Section 1 until they access the study material at the website in preparation for the exam. Sometimes this isn’t until it’s too late.
RCW 18.185.260 Section 1 specifies the minimal curriculum requirement for Washington State approved Field Operations Training.
Field Operations Training is where you are supposed to learn how one conducts themselves in field, not to be entertained. You need to enter this serious field with the knowledge to perform amongst the community in a lawful manner and get the job done. This includes everything from learning the main skill required, to successfully investigative consistently, to making apprehensions safely and with minimal disturbance to the public.
Besides getting a license, successful Bail Recovery professional’s network through associations, creating a wide reach to apprehend fugitives and continued mentorship for members. It is important ones training, skill level and methods are acceptable to the industry.
Consumer Advice
Before signing up anywhere thoroughly do the following:
- Get reputable training from reputable industry recommended sources.
- Invest wisely, audit the hours before spend your money, do they even meet your States minimum requirements? You can contact DOL and verify this and the industry popularity of the training provided.
- Make calls, Google, verify completely the experience and background of those you are considering as your training resource. Ask and verify with the State of issuance if they are currently licensed, and for how long? No license could be a red flag; it could be the result of false claims of experience or even a criminal record.
- Contact their graduates and see if they received the training advertised.
- Are they as individuals, along with their training program respected and accepted by the bonding industry?
- And most important of all ask those graduates if they have been successful at obtaining work.
The Bail Enforcement Academy®, approaching 13 years training experience, even after being on television, has always known NOBODY can train a successful agent in 32 hours, let alone a weekend. We are a lifetime program that has been successful with that knowledge and it is a success shared by our graduates. As Washington States leading trainer you will not find it difficult to verify our claims.
If you are serious about becoming a both licensed and successful Washington State Bail Recovery Agent, we offer a serious vocational program for successful Bail Bonds and Bail Recovery Agents. Check out Washington’s most attended program you will find plenty of validation for the Bail Enforcement Academy® program from Bail Bond and Bail Recovery Agents all over Washington and the USA. We invite you to visit our website